Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here is the results of the first 30 days of the M.O.B. Project, all of my hard work, perseverance and help from my M.O.B. Squad! I couldn't have been quite as successful without the support from all of you! Again ... thank you, thank you, thank you.
My sisters from anotha motha, love these gals, grew up with them and they have been SO supportive of the M.O.B. project and my journey. Unconditional lovin', yes this is what it looks like. ![]() So ... this is a very happy and elated M.O.B. for so many, many reasons. This picture, although not too clear, I think describes how I felt the entire day. I have loved this process so much, the M.O.B. will not be disappearing any time soon and our M.O.B. Squad keeps growing and the support keeps building. I can't wait to see the results of the rest of the M.O.B. squad ... I will be cheering them on the entire time. You don't have to be a M.O.B or a G.O.B. to get in this challenge, you just need to want to improve your life, your health and we can do it together. Check out The Life Blog for the rest of the wedding details as they come in. Check out The M.O.B. 30 Day Fat Blaster Challenge on our Facebook group and join us. I hope that you have been as inspired as I have been and want to continue to make 50 my best year ever. Let's make your 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 AND 80 the best of your life! Keep posted for how CharisOnLife is going to help celebrate these milestones with the team ... it will be awesome!
The thing is, now I feel REALLY motivated to keep on going. Like I said in the MOB results Monday, I don't want to stop, I want to challenge myself to see how far I can go. Great thing is, now I have running mates to do it with me. Isagenix, the company that I get my products from offers a program called The Isabody Challenge for everyone using the Isagenix products the chance to compete for 16 weeks to see how determined you are to transform your bodies. The great thing is, no one is a loser ... we are all getting in shape and making a concerted effort to live a healthy life. At 16 weeks, it will be well ingrained on what the life looks like and I will have transformed my whole way of eating and fitness, and I'm thrilled at the prospect. Truth is I've been sitting around for too long.
The Isabody Challenge
Here is my motivation: NUMBER ONE: To have the incentive to live a healthier life, I finally want to lose the FLAB! Me and FLAB ... we is gettin' a DIVORCE! NUMBER TWO: No matter what I do, at the end of the challenge everyone receives $200.00 worth of Isagenix product, that's a month of food for me. EVERYONE that enters, gets this! NUMBER THREE: Motivating others to join me in getting healthy and increasing our happiness in life as well as our longevity! NUMBER FOUR: I need another goal to work towards, the wedding will be over this weekend and I need to set my sights on a new point in the horizon. I want to state here that EVERYONE that is using the Isagenix product can enter this contest, and you don't have to aspire to be a fitness competitor! We all just need to get moving a bit more! Extra Motivation: :) 2015 IsaBody Challenge Prizes The annual Grand Prize Winner will be selected from the year’s top fifteen Challenge finalists. Grand Prize Winner
Challenge Finalists (5 per judging period)
Note: In order to be eligible for each trip, winners must maintain or improve their results. “Maintenance” photos will be required prior to booking the awarded trips. Honorable Mentions (10 per judging period)
Achievement Awards Those that complete their IsaBody Challenge will receive:
THE EATING PLAN: I am starting off with the 30 Day Fat Burning package and will begin a program called the RACE TO MAINTENANCE! It will continue to encourage weight loss and lean body mass. The program adds more food aka calories so that your metabolism is working even harder, therefore burning more fat and flab. I will still do Cleanse days on the same schedule as I am already on, and I really look forward to them. I am starting two back to back today and tomorrow, preparing for the wedding and the onslaught of fabulous Mexican food and well ... Vodka. Haven't had a cocktail in a long time, definitely not since I started this journey, not even sure if I will enjoy it! Watch for MORE ON THE MOB ACTIVITY PAGE. So yes, you heard it more food! Truthfully eating more will be difficult, that's been my whole problem in the first place. I am starting my second 30 day goal and will continue until I reach the weight I feel I want to be. I am not setting a goal weight here as I am SO HAPPY that I'm losing any weight at all, that's its all a bonus!
My Fitness Plan:
Well, I'm going to start off slow, things that I have at home that I can use, and of course the beautiful weather, now is a great time to get outside and get moving in the sunshine! Now this part is going to be very challenging for me as I AM NOT AN ATHLETE. I have had spurts where I was a gym fiend, liked to be active, lost weight, but then I lost my motivation, to cut to the chase, I was LAZY. Not only was I physically lazy, but I was Mentally lazy and let my lower ego tell me I could quit, that I didn't really have to go to the gym, that I didn't have to go for a walk, that negative voice in my head no longer exists. Truth is it doesn't have to exist in yours either. Be Strong! I will have more on this part of the process next week after the wedding as I have more exciting news!!!! So please ... All wanna be M.O.B. Squaders ... join the rest of us and enter the CHALLENGE with me!!!!! I DARE YOU!
These are some other pics from this week and again, I couldn't believe the difference. I would show you the MOB dress, but that would be telling or showing if the truth be known ... and you're going to have to wait for those pictures! More today pics: So ... I'm not guaranteeing my math here, from what I can see, I have taken 6.75 inches off this body of mine. That's pretty amazing. I think because of the pizza the other night I am a bit bloated and retaining water from the salt, therefore put on an inch here and there, or put some back. I'm still amazed moreso because I haven't been really diligent in working out. This was a good test, it shows how much weight I could lose without really doing much in the exercise department and I am disappointed that I didn't put more effort in. That's going to change. Now that I can see the results of the Isagenix program and the weight loss, I can only imagine what difference I can make if I take the time to work out as well! I cannot tell you how thankful I am to my dear friend that introduced me to this product line, as it has changed my life and given me a new lease on life. Thank you Jodian, I adore you for it! If I didn't trust in what she says and whom she is, I might not ever have tried Isagenix. Now, I'm on the way to a bigger and better program, more weight loss and I'm making a difference in the lives of others. This project has just motivated me to continue on and keep improving myself. If you haven't picked it up before, even if I didn't lose weight, the thing I am the most thankful for is the energy that I feel every single day, it's like I have a new lease on life every single day. I have not felt this great in at least five years, maybe ten. That's a long time to be working like a dog, raising a family, and not feeling like I had enough energy to do it all. Now, my parents are feeling the same way. I am so proud of them for diving in with pure conviction and willpower into the Healthy Aging Program and the 30 Day Weight loss system. Their results are even more outstanding than mine. My mom lost 4.2 pounds in her first week and 10.5 inches, and my dad, 7.6 pounds and 5.5 inches. I'm so excited that they are feeling so fabulous. i can't wait to follow them along on the rest of their 30 Day journey. So that bring me to the next point. Everyone is now at different stages of The MOB 30 Day Fat Blaster and I am going to start another 30 days! Yes... I'm not going to stop ... I want to keep going ... I want to see what I can do in another 30 days! That way we can all keep going together! I'm going to add a different motivation to the challenge and well, truthfully, I will always be the Mother of the Bride. I can't thank all of you enough for following my journey and supporting me every step of the way! Now it's time to get on board with the rest of us and start your own journey! You can do this! Watch tomorrow for the details of the new challenge! Thank you, thank you, thank you. This was the crazy week of no return. We already talked about that one pound that I put back on only to lose it the next day. I did really well this week and kept off the weight that I had lost and I will add my meausurements asap. I'm trying to get the MOB Monday final day measurements out for today so that we can celebrate. Some highlights were the creation of the G.O.B. challenge and the grandparents joining in the fun and games. I was so impressed that my parents came on board! I was a bit worried as my dad likes to snack and he is killing it. My mom is the take charge and is making sure that they follow the schedule and are making delicious dinners for both. They ARE NOT hungry at all! That is the thing that I found as well! No crazy cravings, no urge to break into the snack cupboard and more importantly they are seeing the results already! They are SOOOO thrilled. I'm finding that the results from the other M.O.B. Squaders are much the same! One gal had to wrap her thought process around the cleanse days and we modified her intake so level out her days for her. She is doing great, but did have a few symptoms of detox the first cleanse, as we all do, it's just the gunk coming out of our bodies. Cleanse days, don't bother me in the least now and I actually look forward to them as my body feels refreshed afterwards. Again, cleansing does not mean that you are sitting on the can for two days, this isn't at all part of the process. The water is still a major component to the plan and for some of those who don't' like drinking water, they are actually doing just fine. The IsaSnacks seem to be the SAVE-ALL for most of us, I love those things, totally takes away my craving or feeling hungry, without sticking some sort of crap into my mouth. You saw some of my work moments and my love for the protein bars. Reaching 11 pounds lost this week was more than I could have imagined. I now have running mates that are joining me in the challenge and that is as thrilling as doing the challenge myself. Not only am I making a point of changing my life, my health and my fitness, I'm helping others take the plunge to do the same!
The 30 Day M.O.B. Fat Blaster Challenge
Author: The M.O.B.Yes ... it's me ... Posted by Health & Wellness on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 ArchivesCategories |