She’s gone. She packed her bags, kissed her loved one’s good bye, started singing this tune … (Cue Joni Mitchell) I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again … Okay, I do know when I’m coming back, and yes, I am returning and yes it was with the blessings of my family. Oh wait, I didn’t ask for their blessings as much as I told them what I was up too. You won’t believe it. I’m in Sacramento, California, it’s gorgeous, warm and sunny. Exactly what this girl needed for that rejuvenation piece I was telling you about. (If you didn't read the last blog post, you'll need to back up and give it a go, and no, it's not really about my feet, go to the Life Blog and read: Itchy Feet ) There have been so many possibilities to think about, I wanted to travel, I wanted to meet people, I wanted an adventure. I remember reading a friend’s Facebook posts about a trip she was on with her husband. (Thank you forever Elaine for finding this gem and sharing it with me.) I followed her travels just this past year and was very curious about the whole idea of what the website she described as house and pet sitting. I didn’t think about it again until I was conspiring with the universe to get me travelling. The more I looked into it, the more I thought it sounded intriguing and fun (also a bit exotic). So … I signed up. To what you ask … TRUSTED HOUSESITTERS, it is an international house and pet sitting company based out of the UK. It helps people that want to travel, in that, they get someone to look after their homes while they are away AND if they have a pet, love their pet from the comfort of their own home. On the other side, I helps people like me travel and I could not be more appreciative. The house/pet sitter gets to choose the places they would like to go, apply and the home/pet owner gets to choose from all the applicants, one who they feel is the perfect match for their Sit. IT’S BRILLIANT. It is an ingenius way to adventure, meet people and see the world. For me, it's more afforable than booking accommodations at any vacation location, it's in a beautiful home, and I get to love up and care for a family's greatest possessions. Pets are like kids, pet owners want them well cared for, and someone they trust caring for them. if you can book far enough in advance, you can get a great deal on a flight and off you go! Fast forward to today, I’m housesitting for the sweetest homeowner and loving up her pet Georgie. I just finished picking grapefruit, lemons, and limes off the trees in the yard, cut a fresh bouquet of roses for the table and am enjoying the 26-degree weather out on the deck. Georgie the cat, fresh squeezed grapefruit juice with a sprig of rosemary and my computer, are the tools of the trade for the afternoon. This morning, I enjoyed a lovely morning stroll through the neighbourhood with a lovely new friend from across the fence. We came across the peacocks that saunter around the residential streets, roosters ( cock-a-doodle-doodling) and chickens running around with their little chiclets, it’s darling. (okay psycho chicken isn’t so cute, but the rest were.) AND … this is all normal around here. I called home this morning at it was 7 degrees, it kinda looks like I got the hell out of dodge just in the nick of time! LMAO Like I said, throw what you want out to the universe and VOILA! I can’t even believe it. I am seriously pinching myself that I am here and amongst the sweetest and funniest gal pals (from this point on shall forever been known as The S4’s, The Sexy Sassy Sacramento Sweeties), these lovelies welcomed me to their hood like I’ve known them for years. Thanks to my hostess with the mostest Ms. S, for introducing me and including her in her S4 Club. I couldn’t have asked for a better first hostess, Ms. S is really out of this world and I was lucky enough to spend a few days with her before she left on her trip. She has gone out of her way to make me comfortable in her home and could not be more appreciative for the time I am spending here. EVERYONE should be so lucky. To get the most bang out of my buck for the price of my plane fare, I was looking at longer stays, and I will be here a month. A month of getting to know some amazing folks, seeing the sights of Sacramento, sit, enjoy their weather, the diverse food scene and take in farmer’s markets, festivals, wine tours and the list goes on. My cup runneth over, truly. I’m also spending the time as I said in my last post adding revamping my biz and website. I FINALLY HAVE TIME and the creativity I need to do that. I’m going to ask that if you are interested in what I’m up to, please sign up for my blog post updates and subscribe. If you want to check out TRUSTED HOUSESITTERS, which I recommend everyone check out if you think you might like to travel a wee bit and help someone out at the same time, just click on Trusted Housesitters links in the side bar and it will take you to the website. It would help me out as well, if you sign up from my links as I have gone into a paid partnership with them and I will get a commission on anyone that signs up from here. You don’t know how thankful I would be, supporting entrepreneurs and small business owners is supporting our families and our dreams. In advance, thanks from the bottom of my heart. I will keep posting my exciting adventures here and would love for you to follow along. This is a recommendation based on personal experience that is is no way influenced by the paid partnership between myself and Trusted Housesitters.
1 Comment
11/9/2019 06:50:33 pm
What a gorgeous kitty!
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Charis JohannsonThe best thing about travelling is the experience. New places, new people, and new everything. This travel blog will help you navigate some of the places that I have travelled or will be travelling to, in hopes of making your own trip more enjoyable. If you aren't a traveller, perhaps you just would like to catch up on the fun. Enjoy! DisclaimerThere are portions of this blog and the following blog pages that may recommend, or showcase different services and products. It will state explicitly if I have used the products personally. This is a professional review blog which gets compensated for the products reviewed by the companies who produce them. I am an independent blogger and the reviews are done based on my own experiences and opinions. As an affiliate publisher, I may generate a commission for any sales generated from the links on any page of this website. Please understand that as an a small business entrepreneur, I appreciate any interest and sales that you make from my site that supports us. A million thanks.
Charis ![]() I have had wonderful experiences at the AirBnB's we've stayed at as a family. Book your stay from this link and get $62.00 off your first stay when you sign up!
Have you ever thought of creating your own Airbnb space? Click this link to start your hosting journey now! It helps me out too, let us know if you sign up and CharisOnTravel will showcase your vacation in a review travel blog!
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