The 30 Day M.O.B. Fat Blaster Challenge
Who the hell doesn't want to blast the crap out of fat? I do. I have a dress to fit in to, I have a wedding to attend, and I am the M.O.B. What better reason to give me the kick in the pants that I need to finally get moving. I'm guessing there are a few of you out there that wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds either. So ... let's do it together. The last piece to my own transformation struggle is my weight and with that fitness, it has ALWAYS been a struggle. There have always been a few extra pounds lurking around Hips Blvd and around the corner on Butt Street, unfortunately, the older I get, the hard it is to navigate those streets and not get lost. I'm pretty sure a GPS won't help in this case. It’s hard to lose weight at any age, never mind at 50. I’ve always been curvy … I’ve never minded it, and I don’t have a negative body image. I really dig what I look like and anyone that wants to love me can love my body too. CURVY ROCKS! HOWEVER … There is undoubtedly room for improvement and to tell you the truth, I’ve just been too damn lazy to do anything about it. I have literally used my busy life: bad timing … emotionally not prepared … the sky was the wrong colour … it was the wrong day of the week … the excuses go on and on and on and on and on for why I haven’t done anything about it. Not anymore, it’s time. Now I’ve tried many things over the years to lose weight … I remember in high school doing the Scarsdale diet … I still hate tuna. Then … I tried the South Beach diet … no great success there either …I tried the Atkins diet, the Mayo Clinic diet, the Suzanne Summers diet and so on. The one I did have success with was called the 6 Week Makeover, it taught me some valuable things, and I did lose weight. What I taught me was that I could do it, I lost thirty-five pounds and was working out like a fiend. I loved it. I have also tried Weight Watchers, but honestly, I was uncomfortable going to the meetings and stepping on that bloody scale with a bunch of people I don’t know. Kudos to all of you that it has worked for, but it’s not in my comfort zone. Weight loss is just very personal to me, AND perhaps I didn’t want to be accountable to anyone else either, which is more likely the reason. Now the thing that I hate most about all of these programs is that my life is so busy I just don’t have time for all of the food prep. (lazy) I’m lucky if I eat in the morning, or at lunch. (lazy) The truth is, I’m overweight because I DON’T EAT ENOUGH! Yes, you heard right. I’m haven’t been getting enough nutrition into my body so it is always in starvation mode. In starvation mode, your body produces fat to protect itself, just in case there isn’t a next meal. The reason I lost weight on the 6 Week Makeover was because I was finally giving my body what it needed, nutrition. My metabolism increased and I was BURNING fat. Now the only thing I disliked about that particular diet and every other is/was, egg whites. I can’t look at another one in the truthfully, I think it’s why I HATE eating eggs. Sorry to your egg producers, but I detest eggs. Not even ketchup helps. Now the part about all of this that gets me is when I do eat, and sometimes it is on the run, I’m not feeding me or my growing 14 year old, the way I should be at times. I keep dreaming of an easier life where food isn’t always such a sore spot. Calories this, fat that … Ugh. He plays sports ... all the time and his growth is off the charts, he needs to be sure he is getting what his body requires to keep up. For me … I’m looking for the energy I need, the brain power, the vim and vigor to get the most out of everyday! I’m too sedentary, so I have to get moving, I have to change what I’m eating … I just have to make a change. Well, my change walked through the door a couple of months ago. A new client that came to work with me, she was looking for coaching from CharisOnStyle. I’ve been coaching her for several months now and what I witnessed was motivating and remarkable, not only did I change her life, but without knowing it, she has also changed mine. Her positive energy was explosive, her determination and sheer willpower to succeed in her life is nothing less than amazing. Did I mention the energy? I NEED ENERGY! How many of you are struggling with weight loss? How many of you are struggling with lack of energy? How many of you are eating crap, or like me, not eating anything at all sometimes? My guess is 90% of you. We’ve probably got the biggest club going. Add to those things, children, spouses, careers, two parents working, single parents, IT’S INSANE! I’m sorry, I just haven’t been able to get up at O’ Dark Hundred to work out, I have been just too LAZY! Good thing I love what I do. My business is taking up much of my time and energy these days which does not leave a whole bunch of time for working out. Yes … technically it is an excuse. But I hate going to the gym, I feel out of place, and I feel self-conscious because I have a few extra pounds packed on those fabulous curvy hips! It’s just not my thing. Not yet anyhow. I have a tread-climber at home, which I don’t use. I have a stack of home DVD’s for exercise that are collecting dust on the shelves and as much extraneous fitness equipment. Truth is … I have just been lacking the motivation. Motivation is a tough one … it’s all in your head, all of it. So … it’s about conquering yourself, telling that negative Nelly or Ned in the back of your head just to sit down and shut the hell up. I CAN DO THIS! I find that this motivation thing works best for me when I set goals, or if I have events so that I have something to work towards. Well, I now have it. I am the M.O.B. What the hell is a M.O.B. you ask? It’s the MOTHER OF THE BRIDE … yes my daughter is getting married. IN 33 DAYS AND COUNTING. Did I mention that my intention all along was to be the SMOKIN’ HOT M.O.B. when they announced their engagement seven months ago. I said to myself … “Excellent, you can lose weight AND get in shape, you’ve got enough time!” What have I done you ask? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Not going to lie. I have been so consumed with my business and being exhausted (no energy) I didn’t have time or make the time to even think about it. I came up with a million excuses why not. So now, this sorry and fat ass has exactly 33 days to lose some weight, and get a little bit of tone, somewhere, somehow. My goal … is to still be the SMOKIN’ HOT M.O.B. See the thing here is, I’ve created a reason to do this. To help you and show you that it can be done, and that I support you. I don’t like group weight loss programs with meetings because I have to be in front of a crowd. In sharing this with you, I am making myself accountable, not only to myself, but you all of you as well. We are going on this journey together. Hand in hand we are going to deal with the daily trials and tribulations, the wins and the transformation that I will have in changing my life. This is going to be real, and it might not be pretty (I’ve taken my BEFORE pictures, you will have to close your eyes) so you can see what’s happening. I want to change all of our lives. (Even if it is just by giving you the motivation and the tools to try it too.) So back to my client … I watched her and listened, paid attention to what she was doing, and then I decided I needed to know more. She told me about Isagenix, she said that it changed her life in many ways, (which we can talk about later) and she credited her vim and vigor to the products that she was putting in her body and that of her family. She also is very fitness oriented. It was because of her new energy levels, her nutritional levels, that she had the motivation to continue to transform her body and let me tell you, she looks AMAZING! Motivating … damn right it is. I know I’m not the athlete that she is, and that’s why this is perfect to share with you, because many of you aren’t either. The good thing is, there are many different programs with Isagenix. Weight Loss is only one of them, Energy and Sports Performance is another, and Healthy Aging is the last. The more I learned, the more I realized that this line of products also fit perfectly in my CharisOnLife health and wellness mandate. To be the best we can be, health, fitness and nutrition are key. Even better, I can be a role model, a coach, and a supporter for anyone else trying to make a change. We are what we eat. Which brings us to this point! I invite you to follow me along this journey and we can do it together. Help me meet my goal in becoming that SMOKIN’ HOT M.O.B. that I want to be, by just watching and encouraging. I have created a Facebook page for all those that want to participate or even just cheer me on. The more of you that want to join me, the better, there are strength in numbers. Here is a link to the page for the products that I will be using. if you want the whole experience. I’m going to call it the “The 30 day M.O.B. Fat Blaster Challenge” you get to see me struggle to get into my dress for the wedding … every step of the way! I’m going to only a few changes at a time to my sedentary lifestyle, things that everyone can do comfortably. Like walking, as it is actually still the best thing that you can do! I need to tone up my arms … I want just a bit of definition, so we will experiment with simple exercises that we can do with zero to minor expenditure. I have started a new page on the website, THE M.O.B. PROJECT, as well that is dedicated the all of the different transformations that I will be going through in the next thirty days. All this week I will be featuring new and exciting things that can help all of us get into better shape and mindset.
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The 30 Day M.O.B. Fat Blaster Challenge
Author: The M.O.B.Yes ... it's me ... Posted by Health & Wellness on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 ArchivesCategories |