Did You know that today is ACTUALLY World Hug Day? I didn't. I saw a post from one of my friends today and then I thought...man my timing is awesome...pat on back. Why? Yesterday I posted an Instagram photo of hugging.
Human touch. Is it becoming a thing of the past too? I Hug. All the time. People that know me know that I am a hugger. I like that it makes people feel great. Do you know the research on what a hug can do for you? I think if more people knew, they would be hugging others too. All the time. There are many studies out there that talk about the effects on humans and hugs. Good things. Huffington Post shared "7 reasons Why We Should Be Giving More Hugs": Numbero Uno: It feels good... it actually creates oxytocin ... the feel good hormone. Deux: It lowers blood pressure...YES! All you folks suffering from high blood pressure, GET HUGGING! Three: Alleviating fear. Four: Hugging is good for our hearts. Five: Decrease feelings of loneliness Six: Stress Release, reduces cortisol, relieves tension and anxiety and sends calming messages to the brain. Seven: Fighting of Infections according to a study done by Carengie Mellon University. I don't know about you but I'm duly impressed. I guess that is why I hug people all day long. Next time you hug someone, notice how someone's stance and demeanor change once you've opened up and given them a hug. And... then the smile that comes afterwards. The walls go down, and in my world ... people know where I come from. It is also a dead give away about the person you are hugging ... are they accepting, or do they shy away. Are they uncomfortable because it's out of their comfort zone, or because they are unsure about the release of oxytocin and happiness that they feel. A hug costs you nothing to give and costs you nothing to receive. I've noticed that people that are more giving of themselves, emotionally, mentally and physically have an easier time at this hugging stuff. Probably because we understand the benefits. Those that have a hard time expressing emotions, those that have built up walls around themselves for protection, and especially those that have never been in a hugging environment ... have a hard time accepting this hugging stuff. However, the more they practice, the more the LEAN IN, the more they relax and enjoy. HUG THERAPY: Get on it. Check out this TED talk below and you will get a better understanding about oxytocin and it's relationship to our bodies and to of course hugging. It's good brain fodder, it will give you something to think about. In Psychology today, an article by Dr. Vance Johnson, he mentions Paul Zak, PhD. Dr. Zak prescribes eight hugs a day as a basic of health in his TED talk. (http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_zak_trust_morality_and_oxytocin.html (link is external)) Dr. Zak Zak graduated with degrees in mathematics and economics from San Diego State University before acquiring a PhD in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is professor at Claremont Graduate University in Southern California. He has studied brain imaging, and was the first to identify the role of oxytocin in mediating trusting behaviors between unacquainted humans. An easy way to stimulate the brain to release Oxytocin is hugging. The research is great, yes it backs up my daily hug quota, but my own experience is enough for me. I know it makes people happy. I'm good with that. Making others happy, that's pretty damn great. I'm going to post this on all of my social media, although it's late on WORLD HUG DAY, and I want to see how many others make an effort to hug someone today. Do it...tell me what happens. Take photos of everyone you can hug today and post it, on my facebook page if we are connected. Post on all of your social media and use the hashtags: #worldhugday #withthesearms and #CharisOnLife. Let's spread some oxytocin! I'm sending all of you a virtual hug today, because I can. Remember at least 8 hugs a day ... to keep the blues and the doctor away. XO
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CharisOnLifeLet me not be judged by what I have and have not accomplished but by the remarkable children I have raised. Mother, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Designer, Artist. You are your best billboard! Create the lifestyle you want by putting in some effort, make sure your best foot is forward, have discriminating taste, financial smarts, plan your lifestyle! This Lifestyle blog has lifestyle and product recommendations, coaching and services.
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Disclosure:There are portions of this blog and the following blog pages that may recommend, or showcase different services and products. It will state explicitly if I have used the products personally. This is a professional review blog which gets compensated for the products reviewed by the companies who produce them. I am an independent blogger and the reviews are done based on my own experiences and opinions. As an affliate publisher, I may generate a commission for any sales generated from the links on any page of this website. Please understand that as an a small business entrepreneur, I appreciate any interest and sales that you make from my site that supports us. A million thanks.
Charis Archives
November 2019