A day in the life of a CharisOnStyle client … no … being a rock star is NOT required, it would be cool however. Just normal every day folks, looking to be the best they can be ANNNDDDD … let’s add a little bit of glam and fun to the mix. First of all ... let's set the stage. A photo-shoot is full of fun and energy, well it's more fun with the three of us ... needless to say but ... I digress. Let's get the music going, the fans blowing, the dancin' and posin' started! There is no better playlist than this one, and everything in life needs a playlist. My family has been jiving to this soundtrack for months, every get together, we have it blasting, everyone is belting out the tunes in 3 part harmony! (ooga ooga ooga chacka) Fab4 ... this is our new theme playlist! The rest of you will love me for it ...so download if you don't have it, turn it on and start reading this blog post right at this point! (You can thank me later)
Get your groove on! Ready ....Primp ... smile ...SHOOT!
I started working with my client in March ... she is one of my faves, a dream to work with for many reasons. She, like me, has been working on putting the final touches on subtle changes in her life, for her, it was the style piece. She is a successful 'mompreneur' with two great kids and a wonderful husband, successful in his own right. She has developed a home based business and has reached soaring heights and wants to share her success with her team. She is radiant, exuberant, bursting full of life and positive energy, she really is AMAZING! When she came to me, she wasn’t quite sure what to do for this last piece, it just wasn’t on her radar. Now, because of the role she has in her company, she wants to present the best ‘her’ possible to the team that she coaches, to give them inspiration and something to strive for. She wants to be a shining example of a role model.
Now this gal has worked diligently at not only building her business, but she runs her household, is a fitness competitor, and she ROCKS it! We had a laugh yesterday because when she opened the door she had a mouthful of food ... she apologized for eating… my only comment was, “You’re always eating!” The reason being that to compete in a fitness competition you have to train like a ‘mad woman’ (private joke) which also means that you have to consume a ton of protein, and other fab food. She looks like she just walked out of a fitness magazine. This didn’t come lightly and truthfully she was doing this to challenge herself just a bit further, and she worked her butt off. I am so proud of her; I only had a small part in her transformation, but still a piece and I take some pride in helping her on her way.
This is where I roll in. CharisOnStyle. Style coaching for everyone, men and women, in all walks of life. Am I a stylist … yes, I am. Am I a personal shopper … yes I am. Am I fashion guru … well, I’d like to think so. What I am ... is your biggest fan and your piece of confidence until you can see in yourself what I see, unlimited potential. What I am is fashion conscious and fashion forward … I believe in dressing well and dressing to fit your life, your personality and your career. Many people struggle with knowing what to wear, some people don’t care, and others care too much. The premise here is simple, it’s all about exuding confidence ... yours. I believe that we should be putting our best foot forward at all times, and for each of us that means something different. What might make me feel like a rock star might make someone else feel uncomfortable. There isn’t a set rule, except that whatever you wear should, wear it well and confidently ... making you feel like a million bucks.
Myself, I stick with a classic look, as it never gets old and is in style forever. I buy classic pieces that can stand the test of time; I like to mix expensive pieces with sale items, sometimes vintage or even second hand. Style doesn’t mean that it has to come from a high-end boutique, or cost a million bucks and you don’t have to be wearing a five inch Jimmy Choo shoe. Style also doesn’t mean that you spend any extra time getting ready in the morning either, in fact it probably takes me less time to throw on a dress, whip my hair into an up-do than it takes some to roll out of bed.
I help my clients find the right people to provide exceptional service, like a great hair dresser, which in my life is imperative. I coach with suggestions for the right haircut and colour, makeup changes and selection, even instruction. We go shopping as part of the CharisOnStyle package after we’ve gutted your closet and cleaned out the old you to make room for the new you.
Don’t be afraid of the change. The one thing that we will work on the most is appreciating who you are and for the most part, shifting your views on yourself and others. We don’t care what other people say about how we are style forward here at CharisOnStyle and at CharisOnLife … all that matters is we each think of ourselves, that we feel great, confident and special every second.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, the biggest names in Hollywood all have stylists, you can have one too. The bonus that you get something that the Hollywood folk don’t, a coach that is about more than the clothes, we’re about empowerment, we’re about celebration, we’re about living your dream. The time we spend together will boost your confidence and the beauty comes from both inside and out, and really that is TRUE beauty and TRUE fashion forward.
Confidence NEVER goes out of style. TADA!!!!!! Introducing the impeccable, Jodian Self ... Athlete, Mother, Teacher, Coach.
Kissing Frogs. Frogs … kissing … princes … princesses … fairy tales … life lessons …warts. Why, oh why, is there so much pressure on a kiss? Turning frogs into princes, princes into frogs, breaking evil spells with love’s true kiss, the kiss of death … so much drama. Truth is you do have to kiss a lot of frogs, and the older you get, the more frogs there are that litter the dating landscape. Frogs, frogs everywhere … Girl frogs, boy frogs, lots of non-prince or princess frogs. I think that there has been a lot of false advertising going on over the last hundreds of years. Those damn fairy-tale writers should be fired. As far as I know, frogs DO NOT turn into princes or princesses. (Once a frog always a frog) As far as I know, the Grimm Brothers have a really poor sense of humor. As far as I know … I’m not kissing anymore frogs. Never … ever …again … Amen. Here’s some advice for those of you that are back on the dating scene after perhaps not dating for some time. Whether it’s because of choice, marriage and divorce, or any other number of things, remember this … a kiss is still golden. It may not turn those guys or gals into royalty but you are being judged by your capabilities. Bad kissing … it’s a deal breaker. The thing that you need to realize, like everything else, don’t rush into kissing your date, wait. Go on several dates … build up some rapport with this new person that you’ve decided to see. Get to know them, dazzle them with your wit, your charm, your fabulous personality. Then … once you get to know this Dating Specimen … grab your confidence and go in for a smooch. Don’t be nervous … just breathe … then swoop. Let’s call it the breathe and swoop move. Then … STOP! Take their breath away and then say goodnight. As far as I can see, people rush into everything these days when you should be taking your time. A reasonable amount of time, between steps of dating, ensures comfort level, compatibility, and in the end, longevity. Why on earth would you go ahead and kiss someone you know nothing about, where those lips have been or how many god forsaken frogs they’ve kissed. You don’t need to kiss any more frogs. Value yourself and the kisses that you are doling out, make sure the Dating Specimen that you’re swapping spit with is actually worthy. Why? What if that one kiss, melts someone’s heart, especially after taking the time to get to know you, it’s like the icing on the cake. The second part of this comes from actually choosing the right dating specimen; again … frogs … do not apply. From what I hear from clients, friends and foes, 90% of them are on dating sites, trying to find just someone decent to love. HOWEVER … between the shifting through the garbage that people tell you, you have to be a private investigator like myself to figure out if they are actually legit. This is where the frogs come in … Why would you start off dating someone on a persona built on lies? This boggles my mind, and from what I understand, people might start off doing so to protect the identity of who they really are, inside and out. Sometimes, it’s about role playing. Sometimes, it’s about leading two lives. Sometimes, it’s about not wanting to get hurt. Sometimes, it’s just about being a downright fugly frog. For every man and woman that is on a dating site, flinging frog crap, there is a very sincere, very nice person, trying to find a nice person to go out with, perhaps even fall in love with. It’s a tough world out there when it comes to dating, especially if you are older, and I put over 35 and up into that category. Especially if you don’t like hanging out at the local bar, or dance club. The competition is steep and truthfully you really do have to put your best you out there. This is why I encourage my relationship and dating clients to limit the amount of frogs they are willing to kiss, and make sure that they are choosing to hang out at decent ponds, nicely filtered, eco-friendly. When we work together on their dating site personas, I encourage them to be real, and to be open. No bullshit. Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t or right from the start you are setting yourself up for failure. I set the framework as such, “What happens if the guy or gal that you met online is really fantastic? So fantastic and wonderful that you actually start to date, then you want to introduce them into your life and you realize that you can’t because EVERYTHING that you’ve told them about who you are is a lie. You can’t recover from that, EVER.” That’s why we work extensively on who they are first and what they are looking for in a new mate, we want to make sure that we aren’t frogs ourselves prior to going out to find our own prince or princess. We are working towards lowering the frog kissing ratio to zero, by appreciating ourselves first, using good judgement (big head should rule), common sense, most certainly your gut. If it’s not right your gut will tell you. Whatever you do, don’t kiss a frog, just to be kissing someone. You don’t need the warts hunny. So… to all of you that are out there wanting to date, or are dating, consider taking your time, be sure of who you are and what you want. Be honest with yourself and most of all with others. Dating is hard enough without adding more drama to the dating games that people play. That’s why I love my job, when working with clients, and I see the difference in them, once they have the confidence to be fabulous, it really is amazing. I do believe that there is someone out there for everyone; I do believe that love is worth the effort and is worth waiting for. I believe that if you know who you are and you love yourself, the rest will fall into place. So … all together now … NO MORE KISSING FROGS! One more time … NO MORE KISSING FROGS! No Frogs … Never … ever …again … Amen. #dating #frogs #prince #princess #onlinedating #catfishing #lie #love #relationships #men #women #CharisOnLife #CharisOnDating #CharisOnRelationships #online I am always amazed at where I get some of my fodder for my blog … not only that … the timing has to feel right about posting certain articles. There are times that the ones that I have already written get put on the back burner because something better pops into my head, today is one of those days. I think in the transformation of my life, the events that are happening in my life now … I really want to highlight certain things, like the importance of parents and especially, grandparents. Maybe I just need to expand that comment to appreciating the older generation. In today’s ridiculously busy world and the insane schedules we all keep, I think the time we spend with our parents and grandparents becomes less. I think that we take those relationships for granted sometimes, thinking that they need less love and nurturing because we know that they will always be there. My own parents have always been a rock in our lives, for both myself and my kids. We even had to move back at one point after I found myself on my own with two little ones. They didn’t complain, they just opened their doors and their arms and said, “Just come home.” So we did, and I will post some of those pictures because they tell a story all on their own. My kids at that time were little, the best part was, they got to experience some fantastic things with my parents, and my daughter got to drive to school every day with her grandfather, that happened to be her principal. That is all in a different story. However, I think it started this story. Last weekend, we were all looking at old photos at my parents place, we laughed hysterically at some of the memories, cried at others, but as I sat there with my blogging hat on listening to the banter, I realized I had to share. The kids were talking about certain instances that they remember being out here at “the Farm” as we always refer to it as. Fishing, racing on the cow bumps (that’s a farm tradition from when I was a kid), driving the John Deere yard tractor, baking Icelandic treats, walking to the end of the road, scoping out “Three Mile Beach” and the “Saturday Night Barn Dance” that still plays on the radio. My dad and my daughter were laughing about the fact that they used to sing all the way to school and home, which was about a half hour drive. When I was a kid, my dad would sing “Oh My Darling’” constantly… especially when we used to drive to school with him when he was MY principal. Yup … how awesome is that. No really. I know at the time I didn’t think it was so cool, but it was one of the reasons, I moved back to the small town life after living in the city. I knew my dad would be the kid’s principal and that my parents would be close, so that they could be part of our lives. What point am I trying to get across here? The fact that our parents and grandparents can offer a whole other dimension to our own kids’ lives, wisdom that only comes from life experience. We should appreciate and cherish it. My kids wouldn’t know how to “Old Time” dance if it wasn’t for my parents, and I wouldn’t know how to dance if it wasn’t for my parents and my own grandparents. Does anyone even know what that is anymore? This came up because as you know, my daughter is getting married this summer. As we sat on the deck last evening at cocktail hour, we started talking about if there would be “real” dancing at the wedding. You know … “old time” dancing. Johnny and his Musical Mates, kind of dancing. “Saturday Barn Dance” kind of dancing. My comment was, “Of Course!” Steph, my daughter, would absolutely have a few classic dances that we can jump onto the dance for as a unit and raise some dust. Yes, Steph, I am adding to the playlist an old time waltz, a classic polka, a Heel Toe, a two-step and a schottische. We are aware of course that the only people on the floor will be the eight of us, but, that’s fantastic, no toes, to step on, nobody to bump into, and lots of laughs to be had. I promise to get some footage for your entertainment! It’s a dying art, that type of dancing, like many other things that are going by the wayside. As so many say, there is a sweet and simple innocence about life in “the good old days”. Now … everyone is so wrapped up in our “techno millennium lifestyles” that many of these things are getting lost. The great thing about grandparents is that they are must more relaxed with grandchildren then they were as parents, I won’t be any different, I know that already. I’m still learning from my parents. My kids are still learning from their grandparents and what an amazing gift that really is. Yesterday I helped my mom in the kitchen; we baked the “Vinarterta” (a traditional Icelandic cake) for my daughter’s wedding. (I had it at my wedding and my kid’s, kid’s I’m quite sure, will have it at theirs as well) She is still the CMOV, “Chief Maker of Vinarterta”, because hers is the best. I’m not saying that just because she is my mom, but because it’s true, the layers are the perfect thickness, just enough filling, and it’s moist. I’m telling you right now, it takes talent to pull off one of these cakes! There has only been one other person that made Vinarterta almost as good as my mom and that was my awesome neighbour Joycie B! (Hi Joycie!) So… as I informed her yesterday, it’s still going to be her job until her dying day… that’s just fact, some things just aren’t meant to be messed with. But … that being said, when the torch is passed, I will know what to do, for the many times I’ve played my role as baker, or the “PS” aka Prune Spreader, she has passed along her “Vinarterta Wisdom”. My daughter has also learned the ropes, and my pup, Miss Lily, has stolen the product right off the table so can also attest to its fabulousness. Today we are doing the other favourite, Icelandic “Ponnokokkur”. That’s another tradition in our family and my mom has made it with all the grandkids, it’s a must at all special functions and they too, are to die for. So …I’m getting my “GKT” (Grandparent Knowledge Transfer) this weekend and so is my son Kael. My dear ol’ dad, (he refers to himself as the “Old Guy” in his correspondence with the grandkids) is teaching Kael how to carve. How many kids EVER get that opportunity? We are truly blessed with the fact that we all have an artistic slant to us, my dad, is a very talented carver, I’m trying to convince him to let me showcase his works, because they really are amazing. Today, if it stops raining, they are going fishing, what better thing is there but to block the rest of the world out and just enjoy, the outdoors, conversation and just life in general. My oldest son is driving to “the Farm” as well today to partake in the “PGT”, aka Prime Grandparent Time. I brought all of my paints so that we can paint together, my mom is a very talented artist, paints as well, my kids are all artists, and now that I am painting so much, my youngest son has become quite the painter in his own right. This is due to “PKT”, my own Parent Knowledge Transfer. He sees me painting, he appreciates what I create, and it stimulates his own creative abilities to want to learn and create himself. I would say the same thing of my blogging. Kael sees me writing, he reads all of my posts, reads my website and all of a sudden has an interest in writing where none existed before. My own writing has shown him that there are many different styles of writing, it can be fun, enjoyable, it can evoke laughter and tears, and storytelling is a real talent. Many years ago, I think it was when I was about 16 or 17; I had a summer job that allowed me to write the history of all the aging population of our small community. THAT was a priceless opportunity. I not only got to meet the senior citizens of the community but I was allowed to listen and write down their history. Did I mention what an honour I felt this was? I learned about what life was like for the original settlers of the community as some of the people that I spoke with remembered how hard it was for their parents and themselves as newcomers to a very harsh and economically stunted area. I traveled not only to the seniors in my local community but as far as Loon Straights (in the middle of the lake), therefore only accessible by boat. I saw parts of this end of the world that I had never seen before, like the beauty of Matheson Island. The other things I experienced ... what it was like for these wonderful souls, and how lonesome so many of them were. Their families had moved away, or were just too busy, many times; I was overwhelmed with how I felt so bad for them. My mother experienced much of the same as a nurse’s aide in a personal care home. Some of those dear old people, just got dropped off, and family NEVER came to visit. We CANNOT really be that busy that we cannot forget all that our parents and grandparents have done for us over the years. If you find yourself, asking why you don’t see your parents, or your kids seeing their grandparents … ask yourself what effort you have made to make it happen… when was the last time you stopped and made sure that you fit in time for a phone call, a visit or just a quick note. I’m no angel; there have been times, where my life has taken me away from these things as well. I’m trying to rectify that, I’m trying to make more time for my own kids and to instill the importance of family, I have always done this. My kids are fabulous that way, still in their busy daily lives; they do try to make an effort weekly to fit everyone in. There is a beautiful wisdom that we can all learn from our parents and grandparents, appreciate the gift that you have been given, learn from them. Teach your children that the knowledge that their grandparents hold is truly priceless and to have the patience to sit and to listen. This is about spending quality time with each other. This is about recognizing the brilliance that grandparents have to offer our kids. This is about appreciating the years of wisdom, love and caring that our parents and grandparents have put into our own lives. This is about asking yourself what you are doing to make sure that our kids are learning everything that our parent, their grandparents have to offer. This is about love and kindness. This is about respect.
#family #grandparents #cooking #baking #Icelandic #Icelanders #tradition #fishing #dancing #Vinetarta #layercake #Ponnukokkur #IcelandicBaking #cake #layercake #carving #woodSpirit #TheFarm #CharisOnFood #CharisOnLife #CharisOnFamily #CharisOnRelationships #love #respect #relationships #farmlife #PrairieLife #SmallTownLife
Death sucks ass. So does grief. It kicks us in the teeth and then just leaves us there bleeding and cleaning up the chaos and aftermath. There isn’t a nice way to put it, it just is, and no one is going to dispute this. I can’t sugar coat it, because it just plain ol’ bites the big one, no pun intended. I’ve contemplated writing this story for many years, this is the ‘Coles Note’ version and truthfully the long version will come to fruition one day. But it’s time to tell parts of this story in hopes that it will help someone else heal, survive or just reach out. Sometimes … that’s all that people need … an ear … an open heart … compassion and just basic understanding. Too many people in this world feel like they are an island, and that they are alone in their experiences in this life. So let me begin by telling you, I’m here, I’m listening and I care. There are some other things that you should know before I begin: I believe in the kindness, love and generosity of most of society. I do not judge society as a whole based on the terrible acts of others. I believe that intrinsically people are good. I believe that time does heal all wounds. I believe that in times of great grief, hurt and chaos, a helping hand, a loving heart and a listening ear can change someone’s world. I believe in that all things happen for a reason. I believe that we are not handed anything that we can’t handle. I believe that we all have lessons to learn in this life, good and bad. I believe that our challenge in life is how we deal with those lessons. I believe I am who I am today because of the tragedy that changed my life. I believe in Karma. Most of all, I do believe in love. Of all sorts. That’s one thing I believe about blogging and about being a life coach, you have to be real. You can’t be afraid to talk about the hard issues, and you can’t be afraid to get people to stop and think about what is happening in their lives. I notice even in my posts, anything that touches people way down deep in places that they don’t want to visit… don’t get as much traffic. Don’t be afraid to be real, own your issues, own your feelings and for the sake of yourself and others, do not be afraid to share. For your sake, start being authentic. Start dusting out your closets and deal with your skeletons and please just put them to rest. If anything else I can pass along, I hope it’s the ability to finally set you free. Today is the anniversary of the tragic death of my brother Scott. He was an amazing kid. He was definitely part of my soul family, he was talented, creative, outgoing, intelligent and most of all loving. And ... I loved him dearly. 1991…seems like forever ago, but then again, on the other hand, it seems like yesterday. There are so many stories attached to this tragedy but those will come over time. It is a very sad day for our family, it always will be, it’s never easy to lose someone you love to death, because we are left here to try and find some meaning to it all. I don’t just mean to the death itself, but we sit there questioning everything about life, who we are, what we are doing here, and most of all why these awful things happen. Some of the comments that I wrote at the beginning of this article I can’t believe that I wrote down, not because I don’t believe them to my core but because the people that offered condolences during that time, had suffered loss previously, they said those same things to me when he passed. Truthfully, I wanted to scream at them, basically tell them to just shut up, I didn’t want to hear it. In my grief, I couldn’t imagine that time would ever heal the million pieces of my heart that was shattered on the ground along with that of my family and what was left of our lives. I remember thinking, how could they say that? Well… now after all this time has passed, I can tell you it’s because it was true. The “everything happens for a reason” line; Yes, well in my experience, that one is true too. People come and go in our lives for a purpose, to teach us, to help us learn, to wake us up. There were many things that happened as a result of his death, lots of really good things, yes good things, the life lessons that were learned, I could never have learned without that experience. Without his death, I wouldn’t be writing this, and I wouldn’t be as compelled as I am to help others. Scott’s death forever changed my life, and everyone else’s. I cannot speak for my other family members; this rendition of this story is my own rendition of the metamorphosis in my life. I CHOSE to find in good in something really terrible. At the time, I was twenty-six years old; I had been married for 4 years and had just had my second child. I was still nursing him at the time, because he was so little. I lost my milk instantly, the instantaneous grief just obliterated everything. I remember it all just being a blur. My daughter was two at the time, and let me tell you, bless those little ones, I think having to stay grounded and somewhat present for the babies might have kept us sane. Well, it was my saviour to be sure. Our children really are the anchors in our lives, I back up, they are and have always been the anchors in mine. Scott’s death was the end of many things: Our family life as we knew it. My parents happiness for a very long time. For a time…. my faith in humanity. For a time…my faith in anything. My marriage. My naivete. However, it was the birth of many other things that forever changed who I was: 1. For myself: I learned that you have not experienced a broken heart until you have experienced tragedy such as this. I learned that there ARE worse things that can happen in your life and that I KNEW I COULD SURVIVE ANYTHING after this experience. In losing my marriage, it was hard, but it didn’t compare, I did feel like nothing compared to the broken heart brought on by death. It made it easier to make choices in my life knowing this. I have measured everything since then to this, and knew I would be okay. 2. I decided right then and there that I would do anything to ensure that my children were happy and healthy and that whatever was going on in my life didn’t adversely affect them. 3. I was going to live life to its fullest, there were no guarantees on tomorrow. 4. I was not going to waste any time being unhappy …. EVER… life is too short. 5. I was not going to let his death adversely affect my life in a way that made me hate the world. 6. I had to be strong…always. 7. I had to count on myself to get back up, dust myself off and keep on trudging. 8. I was going to try find whatever silver linings I could out of something so awful; it was the only way I could survive. I still do this every single day ... find the silver linings that is … and they are there. 9. I was not going to be a victim. 10. I was not going to let those that bullied Scott and ruin his life, ruin mine too, because that meant they were still winning. 11. I was going to stand up for what is right and good. 12. I was going to enjoy EVERY breath. 13. I was going to take every opportunity to make my own life and that of others better in any way that I can. 14. I can and will survive. 15. It gave me perspective by which to measure all else. Grief is a funny thing, (not in a haha way). I think you believe that others will help you through these really hard times; I realized I had to help myself. It was a hard lesson to learn. I noted also that as grief is one of the MOST UNCOMFORTABLE conditions for people to deal with, they end up shying away from those that are grieving, because they don’t know what to do or say. Anyone that has survived grief will back me up on this. It is a very odd experience indeed, it helped me realize I controlled the grief, I controlled its effect on my life and truthfully I wasn’t going to let it define me. To all of you, don't be afraid to reach out to those that are grieving, it helps if you are just there, trust me when I say, you don't have to say anything at all. I am here today to tell you why I stand for the things that I do, there are many people out there that are stuck and are afraid to ask for help. There are many people out there that keep everything inside because they don’t want to burden those around them. Scott wasn't and isn't the only one being bullied. There are people out there getting bullied EVERY SINGLE DAY. I bet each of you can name at least five. There are children and adults alike being bullied, it is ripping their lives apart, and in this instance it continues to rip the lives of those left behind apart as well. To all of you out there that are bullies, that is a heavy burden to bear, and you will bear it for the rest of your life. Be strong enough to end the cycle or to heal the hurts that you yourself have encountered. Be cognizant that you are literally killing people. To the bullies that had a hand in my brothers' death, I have forgiven you ... a long time ago. Why? Because ... you have to forgive yourselves. Some of us are stronger than others; we can handle the barrage of unpleasantness that comes from bullies, some of aren’t. To those of us that stand around and watch it happen, stand up and help those that have a hard time standing up for themselves. I can say I have, many times…I would rather suffer the consequences than stand by and do nothing. Speak up. I am here to speak for those that are bullied, for suicide prevention, for surviving death and grief. I am here as a speak for the people in your life that think you are not present and invested in your life right now. BE PRESENT! Today … right now, tell the people that you love… that you love them, hug them tight and make time for them in your life. At the end of your life, the people that you worked with will not remember you and the fact you poured your life into your job, the people that mean the most are the ones that we spend the least amount of time with, our families and our friends. Forgive. Forget. Life is too damn short to be fighting, it’s not worth it. When you are asking yourself about your actions, remember that you get exactly what you put out. You can choose your life, you can choose what you alone make of it, you can choose to really live, or to merely exist. Don't have any regrets for the things you didn't do or say. As Nike says "Just Do It" ... as Charis says "Just Say It". What is the purpose of sharing this with you today? Many reasons; I want you to read my words and make a conscious decision to change even one thing in your life. Make your life everything that you want it to be … tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Make choices that improve your life and the happiness of yourself and those around you. When I post things like … appreciate those in your life … and for your own sake … tell them what them mean to you … every single day. Stop being a victim, pull up your socks, be accountable for the life choices that you have made and move on. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving. Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends… just enjoy life. Take a walk, sing (even if it’s awful), dance (even if it’s in the kitchen), smile (all day long), BE GRATEFUL (you are alive, appreciate it). Life isn’t always what we planned, mine sure hasn’t been, but I do refuse to let any of the challenging parts define who I am. Scott’s death cannot be in vain … if this helps just one person to make a change in some way, shape or form, then it’s us good guys that are winning. Stop Bullying Help Prevent Suicide SPEAK OUT LOUD Ask for help Support and Love Each Other |
Lifestyle blog, detailing life experiences, coaching tips, how-to's with lifestyle product recommendations and reviews. Health, beauty, travel, home and family!
![]() CharisOnLifeLet me not be judged by what I have and have not accomplished but by the remarkable children I have raised. Mother, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Designer, Artist. You are your best billboard! Create the lifestyle you want by putting in some effort, make sure your best foot is forward, have discriminating taste, financial smarts, plan your lifestyle! This Lifestyle blog has lifestyle and product recommendations, coaching and services.
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Disclosure:There are portions of this blog and the following blog pages that may recommend, or showcase different services and products. It will state explicitly if I have used the products personally. This is a professional review blog which gets compensated for the products reviewed by the companies who produce them. I am an independent blogger and the reviews are done based on my own experiences and opinions. As an affliate publisher, I may generate a commission for any sales generated from the links on any page of this website. Please understand that as an a small business entrepreneur, I appreciate any interest and sales that you make from my site that supports us. A million thanks.
Charis Archives
November 2019