Well....here is a picture of my eyes....this is a key component of this story and the visual you will need to understand this story and my pain ... teehee. I'm only re-posting this blog piece that I wrote several years ago because I was telling it to someone that had noticed my eyes ... well ... were different colors. She laughed hysterically, I hope you do too! My whole life, people will stop and gaze at me....get this really weird look on their face and say:
"Hey...did you know that you have two different color eyes?" No shit batman. I like it, don't get me wrong...I like to be unique...this makes me unique. Occasionally, however, there is a story that rises above all the rest, this particular story happened when I was the ripe old age of eighteen. Just at the time where boys still made me blush, any sort of notice made me self conscious and as much as I wanted to stand out in the crowd, I was okay not getting called out of it at the same time. Picture this. Working in the campground office on May long weekend....the line up of cars is around the bend....the office (4x10) standing room only space for customers has 30 people all squeezed in trying to get their camping permits. I'm busy working away, whipping off permits and just happen to look up at my next customer. He's very handsome, probably around 24, and looks right at me...well right into my eyes..... then... it happens..... he tilts his head a bit to the right.... then a bit to the left.... stops talking.... gets the "weird" look on his face.... and says.... "MAN YOU LOOK JUST LIKE MY DOG!!!!!' Well... 30 people gasped, held their communal breath, I gasped in horror, turned a bright shade of scarlet, felt the vomit rise to my throat....OMG did he really just say that out loud???? He realized right at that moment what he had said ... started laughing, apologized profusely and said, "No, no, no .... I didn't mean it that way! I mean I have a Husky...my dog...and he has two different colored eyes too!" The entire place bust out into uproarious laughter....even I had to laugh. I don't know who was more embarrassed that day, me or the poor guy. I've had many a chuckle over that story over the years....
Lifestyle blog, detailing life experiences, coaching tips, how-to's with lifestyle product recommendations and reviews. Health, beauty, travel, home and family!
![]() CharisOnLifeLet me not be judged by what I have and have not accomplished but by the remarkable children I have raised. Mother, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Designer, Artist. You are your best billboard! Create the lifestyle you want by putting in some effort, make sure your best foot is forward, have discriminating taste, financial smarts, plan your lifestyle! This Lifestyle blog has lifestyle and product recommendations, coaching and services.
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Disclosure:There are portions of this blog and the following blog pages that may recommend, or showcase different services and products. It will state explicitly if I have used the products personally. This is a professional review blog which gets compensated for the products reviewed by the companies who produce them. I am an independent blogger and the reviews are done based on my own experiences and opinions. As an affliate publisher, I may generate a commission for any sales generated from the links on any page of this website. Please understand that as an a small business entrepreneur, I appreciate any interest and sales that you make from my site that supports us. A million thanks.
Charis Archives
November 2019