A day in the life of a CharisOnStyle client … no … being a rock star is NOT required, it would be cool however. Just normal every day folks, looking to be the best they can be ANNNDDDD … let’s add a little bit of glam and fun to the mix. First of all ... let's set the stage. A photo-shoot is full of fun and energy, well it's more fun with the three of us ... needless to say but ... I digress. Let's get the music going, the fans blowing, the dancin' and posin' started! There is no better playlist than this one, and everything in life needs a playlist. My family has been jiving to this soundtrack for months, every get together, we have it blasting, everyone is belting out the tunes in 3 part harmony! (ooga ooga ooga chacka) Fab4 ... this is our new theme playlist! The rest of you will love me for it ...so download if you don't have it, turn it on and start reading this blog post right at this point! (You can thank me later)
Get your groove on! Ready ....Primp ... smile ...SHOOT!
I started working with my client in March ... she is one of my faves, a dream to work with for many reasons. She, like me, has been working on putting the final touches on subtle changes in her life, for her, it was the style piece. She is a successful 'mompreneur' with two great kids and a wonderful husband, successful in his own right. She has developed a home based business and has reached soaring heights and wants to share her success with her team. She is radiant, exuberant, bursting full of life and positive energy, she really is AMAZING! When she came to me, she wasn’t quite sure what to do for this last piece, it just wasn’t on her radar. Now, because of the role she has in her company, she wants to present the best ‘her’ possible to the team that she coaches, to give them inspiration and something to strive for. She wants to be a shining example of a role model.
Now this gal has worked diligently at not only building her business, but she runs her household, is a fitness competitor, and she ROCKS it! We had a laugh yesterday because when she opened the door she had a mouthful of food ... she apologized for eating… my only comment was, “You’re always eating!” The reason being that to compete in a fitness competition you have to train like a ‘mad woman’ (private joke) which also means that you have to consume a ton of protein, and other fab food. She looks like she just walked out of a fitness magazine. This didn’t come lightly and truthfully she was doing this to challenge herself just a bit further, and she worked her butt off. I am so proud of her; I only had a small part in her transformation, but still a piece and I take some pride in helping her on her way.
This is where I roll in. CharisOnStyle. Style coaching for everyone, men and women, in all walks of life. Am I a stylist … yes, I am. Am I a personal shopper … yes I am. Am I fashion guru … well, I’d like to think so. What I am ... is your biggest fan and your piece of confidence until you can see in yourself what I see, unlimited potential. What I am is fashion conscious and fashion forward … I believe in dressing well and dressing to fit your life, your personality and your career. Many people struggle with knowing what to wear, some people don’t care, and others care too much. The premise here is simple, it’s all about exuding confidence ... yours. I believe that we should be putting our best foot forward at all times, and for each of us that means something different. What might make me feel like a rock star might make someone else feel uncomfortable. There isn’t a set rule, except that whatever you wear should, wear it well and confidently ... making you feel like a million bucks.
Myself, I stick with a classic look, as it never gets old and is in style forever. I buy classic pieces that can stand the test of time; I like to mix expensive pieces with sale items, sometimes vintage or even second hand. Style doesn’t mean that it has to come from a high-end boutique, or cost a million bucks and you don’t have to be wearing a five inch Jimmy Choo shoe. Style also doesn’t mean that you spend any extra time getting ready in the morning either, in fact it probably takes me less time to throw on a dress, whip my hair into an up-do than it takes some to roll out of bed.
I help my clients find the right people to provide exceptional service, like a great hair dresser, which in my life is imperative. I coach with suggestions for the right haircut and colour, makeup changes and selection, even instruction. We go shopping as part of the CharisOnStyle package after we’ve gutted your closet and cleaned out the old you to make room for the new you.
Don’t be afraid of the change. The one thing that we will work on the most is appreciating who you are and for the most part, shifting your views on yourself and others. We don’t care what other people say about how we are style forward here at CharisOnStyle and at CharisOnLife … all that matters is we each think of ourselves, that we feel great, confident and special every second.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, the biggest names in Hollywood all have stylists, you can have one too. The bonus that you get something that the Hollywood folk don’t, a coach that is about more than the clothes, we’re about empowerment, we’re about celebration, we’re about living your dream. The time we spend together will boost your confidence and the beauty comes from both inside and out, and really that is TRUE beauty and TRUE fashion forward.
Confidence NEVER goes out of style. TADA!!!!!! Introducing the impeccable, Jodian Self ... Athlete, Mother, Teacher, Coach.
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Lifestyle blog, detailing life experiences, coaching tips, how-to's with lifestyle product recommendations and reviews. Health, beauty, travel, home and family!
CharisOnLifeLet me not be judged by what I have and have not accomplished but by the remarkable children I have raised. Mother, Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Designer, Artist. You are your best billboard! Create the lifestyle you want by putting in some effort, make sure your best foot is forward, have discriminating taste, financial smarts, plan your lifestyle! This Lifestyle blog has lifestyle and product recommendations, coaching and services.
CharisOnLife is on Instagram! Check out @CharisOnLife today.
Disclosure:There are portions of this blog and the following blog pages that may recommend, or showcase different services and products. It will state explicitly if I have used the products personally. This is a professional review blog which gets compensated for the products reviewed by the companies who produce them. I am an independent blogger and the reviews are done based on my own experiences and opinions. As an affliate publisher, I may generate a commission for any sales generated from the links on any page of this website. Please understand that as an a small business entrepreneur, I appreciate any interest and sales that you make from my site that supports us. A million thanks.
Charis Archives
November 2019